Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interior Space, St. Elizabeth's

The photos shown here were taken recently by local photographer John Cremons. They show much of the grandeur and some of the vulnerability of the interior space at Saint Elizabeth's. After his visit, he sent us an email with the following message:

Thanks so much for letting me photograph your beautiful church. The character and presence in this sanctuary is powerful. I noticed that you have great respect for the past and your predecessors. This is good.

1 comment:

ElaineH said...

These photos came to us the week after we held a prayer vigil (April 20-21). The vigil was held to hear what God intended for this sacred space.

After spending more than 18 of 24 hours in this space, I came away from the prayer vigil feeling a sense that God was using this space to call his people to him. And then, a photographer appeared - Thank you John Cremons. (His website has amazing photos -

Many non-Vineyard people came into the church during the 24 hour prayer vigil.

Because the church is currently open limited hours, it made me wonder how many people have come to the space over the past 12 years and not been able to enter.

What will it take for us to be able to leave the space open 24/7?

This sacred space is a refuge for the community.